
Drones: Market Trends You Need To Know

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During the 20th century, military research expanded as a result of technological innovations. Surveillance satellites successfully enabled GPS-systems, and defense researchers constructed information-swapping protocols that are essential to the internet. UAVs were designed initially for reconnaissance purposes, commercial development and paramilitary applications that were often unavailable to the public.



Factors Driving Drones Market

Several factors are driving growth in the global market for drones:



UAVs have seen wide adoption across many military applications, including air strikes, surveillance, traffic monitoring, rescue and search operations, bomb threats, hostage situation control and fugitive tracking. UAVs do not pose any threat to human lives, as government agencies are adopting this technology to counter critical situations.


The agriculture industry is one of the major sectors to have benefited from the use of UAVs. Drones can map areas quickly and spray water on crops or fertilize fields.


Increased Usage In Unmanned Underwater Vehicles For AI And Navigation

The need for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) is driven primarily by safety. When more UUVs are put into operation, fewer humans are required to work in risky underwater environments, in manned submarines or with diving gear. The Navy uses UUVs to counter mine warfare, locate submerged obstacles and wrecks, map ocean floors and photograph underwater archeological sites.



Drones are deployed to carry out certain operations, including data collection, surveillance and missile combats to minimize threats to the lives of army personnel. In terms of surveillance, UAVs can travel across borders with ease without putting the lives of humans at risk. Their ability to loiter over targets permits them to monitor patterns of life, provide 24/7 surveillance data, recognize and track potential threats and establish the best suitable time to strike to avoid civilian casualties.



许多新闻机构部署无人机捕捉和broadcast events, a task that has been proven to be easy and economical. Drones are equipped with cameras that can fly lower and into smaller areas, which is not possible using larger manned aircrafts. Helicopters only provide wide aerial views during high-speed chases, whereas drones viewers get a look out of the drivers-side window of a speeding car on the news.

Additional Trends And Projections About Drones Market

  • The global market for drone technology is expected to grow from $30 billion in 2020 to $54.6 billion by 2025, growing 12.7% annually.
  • Defense is the largest sector of the drone market at $17.7 billion currently with a projected growth rate of $10.8% annually through 2025.
  • 物流和仓储是增长最快的部门,每年16.8%,预计将达到72亿美元。
  • 主要市场参与者包括:5G海洋,BAE系统,Insitu和Northrup Grumman。

For additional intel into the global market for drones:

Download a free overview of our report,无人机技术和全球市场

探索我们的创新聚光灯和寄生虫技术的行业领导者:Innovation Spotlight: Hanley Innovations: Drone Technology

Written by Sarah Greenberg2011年8月13日上午10:00:00

Sarah Greenberg是BCC研究中的内容营销经理。乐动体育-西甲2019赞助商她创建了我们的博客,社交媒体和电子邮件内容。
